Transgender Day Of Remembrance Today on November 20th, 2013, people all over are taking time to remember those who have lost their lives due to the fact that they are transgendered. For me, this includes anybody under the transgender umbrella term. This day for me is a day to remember anybody who has lost their life due to the […]

Weekly Gratitudes

Meeting new people, seeing old friends, lots of laughing, cosplay, dancing, crab walking, dark music, romance, acceptance, having people take our friendship to a higher level of trust, and videos opening my eyes to things I have never thought about before.

Weekly Gratitudes

A wonderful group of people who I will miss very, very dearly, old friends who make me cry from joy when I see them, a little burst of romance, cooler weather, nice little moments of laughter, running into a friend and laughing enough to where there were worries about being kicked out of the library […]